
Kisan Academy

Kisan Academy is a learning platform for farmers, artisans, innovators, traditional knowledge holders, knowledge seekers and upcoming entrepreneurs to learn from the achievers and excelsior’s of their respective fields.

Kisan Academy has Up-to-date classroom and equipped with modern aids of learning. It has sitting capacity of 35 interns and residential accommodation for 35 interns.

It has a good library and a computer lab with 18 computers so that interns have freedom to do search and download the required information.

Upcoming Programs at Kisan Academy

Sr. No.ProgramDuration
 1FPO Management3 Days
 2Practical ideas on Animal Husbandry3 Days
 3Practical ideas on Agri Ecosystems3 Days
 4Agri-leadership Course5 Days
 5Keet Commando Basic course3 Days
 6NGO Development, Governance and Management2 Days
 7Building Collective Entrepreneurship through Cooperatives2 Days
 8Transforming Self-help Group into a Profitable Collective enterprise.2 Days
 9Daily Income Model of Agriculture2 Days
 10Family Farmer Development & Management as enterprise2 Days
 11Formation Management of Consumer Cooperatives2 Days
 12Career counselling of heirs of farmers, farm labourers, artisans, innovators, and Traditional Knowledge holders1 Day
 13Development and management of home-based enterprises for housewives2 Days
 14Content development for social media and monetization from content4 Days
 15Practical aspects of Agri-journalism4 Days
 16Business plan development for FPOs and small enterprises.2 Days
 17Operational Training for Multi-purpose food processing machine3 Days
 18Carving creativity among students2 Days
 19Practical aspects of Domestic and International Organic Certification5 Days
 20Mandatory training for Food Business Operators under FSSAI1 Day
 21Setting up of Gaushala, Governance, Management and Enterprise development through cows.3 Days

If you are interested in upcoming programs, Please register yourself in the following form: